You Can Now Live In This Swiss City Solely On Bitcoin

Lugano, Switzerland makes living on a Bitcoin standard possible with hundreds of merchants that accept BTC.

If you’ve ever sought to live entirely on bitcoin, look no further than Lugano Switzerland. 

The Plan ₿ foundation recently took to Twitter to announce a new map which showcases the hundreds of merchants across the city that accept bitcoin. “Now you can live in Lugano just using Bitcoin!,” the tweet read. “Find out all you need to enjoy your stay in Lugano through the map with all Lugano’s Plan ₿ merchants.”

A screenshot of the map posted.

Plan ₿ is a city initiative designed in collaboration with Tether to attract wealth, smart minds and opportunities. Part of this plan involved Lugano making bitcoin a de-facto legal tender, which was announced in March 2022.

This was followed by the announcement of the Plan ₿ Summer School, an educational opportunity for those looking to learn more about bitcoin and businesses, which took place in July 2022. The school featured expert speakers including the likes of Blockstream CEO Adam Back.

Most recently, the Plan ₿ foundation partnered with GoCrypto to onboard multiple merchants to accept bitcoin, including McDonald’s and various art galleries. At that time, the foundation predicted it would serve over 2,500 customers using bitcoin by the end of the year.

The Plan ₿ foundation confirmed on Twitter today that visitors and residents alike can “pay with Bitcoin for food, drinks, art, fashion, jewelry, cars, watches, tattoos, real-estate, municipal taxes, and services and so much more…”

As the bitcoin ecosystem grows, various jurisdictions will continue to vie for the business of Bitcoiners and Bitcoin companies. This can be seen in examples like Lugano, as well as that of Madeira, Bitcoin Beach and several others. While bitcoin is still in its infancy, developments like these serve both as a testing battle ground and a way to push for greater adoption and improvements.

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